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What Is Stem Wave Therapy – Everything In a Nutshell

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

If you look at human anatomy, you will understand that all components of our body are exactly like a machine. It is obvious that it would face several issues while running for a lifetime. The problem is not that your body is malfunctioning, the problem is not taking the right initiatives to fix it as soon as possible. If the issues persist and you remain idle ignoring the steps to maintain and heal, then your body will start decaying faster and you will lose your functionality and mobility. This is why Club5Five provides integrative health services.
Being one of our cutting-edge pillars for health and wellness at Club5Five, we are going to inform you about our latest and greatest Stem Wave Therapy – one of the most crucial components of integrative healthcare service.

Defining Stem Wave Therapy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, or “stem wave therapy,” is a popular term in integrative health services. Stem Wave is basically a noninvasive treatment that uses Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) to deliver high-energy hydraulic-focused sound waves directly to the site of pain or injury. The increased blood flow and stem cell activity that results from exposure to these sound waves aid in the regeneration of injured tissue. As well as relieving discomfort and pain, this treatment also improves Range of motion for the muscle and joint.

What You Can Expect

The therapy in the right hands has great potential, but the results may vary from client to client. Some clients experience relief more quickly than others, depending on factors like the location and severity of their pain, the length of time they’ve been experiencing it, the client’s age, the sensitivity of their pain receptor neurons, diet, nutrition levels, etc. This therapy works by disrupting pain neurotransmitters and stimulating pain nerves, which prevents the nerves from transmitting pain signals. Stem wave low-intensity, focused energy is delivered via a high-energy electrical discharge in water. The voltage is discharged between the opposing tips (plus and minus pole) of an electrode. The arcing or spark gap causes an equalization of voltage between the two tips of the electrode whereby a hot plasma bubble is created. This bubble explodes in all directions, compresses the surrounding water, and generates a pressure > 10 MPa within only a few nanoseconds (10-9 ns). Despite this electrohydraulic shock wave energy in water traveling 5 times faster (3355mph) than in air (767 mph), it does not cause microtrauma. There are three phases:

Mechanotransduction Mechanism with 3 Phases


Generates a large positive pressure wave followed by a negative pressure wave.


Mechanical stimulus leads to biochemical reactions. Biomolecules are released and cell signaling is activated.


Angiogenesis, inflammatory modulation, stimulation of tissue regeneration.

Initial Results

Most people feel numbness in the treated area at first. Your pain may lessen at first, but it likely won’t be completely gone until a few weeks have passed after you finish the treatment protocol for 8 weeks of healing phase 2 and thereafter another 8 weeks of healing phase 2. When you first start feeling better, the pain won’t be as bad.

Final Results

The therapy’s effectiveness will increase over the course of several weeks. The majority of the benefits, such as relief from chronic pain that limits your mobility and general well-being, will become apparent between the eighth and twelfth week, you still need to complete the full healing process ranging from 12-16 weeks.

Benefits of Stem Wave Therapy

Before jumping to any conclusion, let us give you a quick tour of the advantages of stem wave therapy.

Tested to be Effective: Stem Wave Therapy has been shown to effectively treat a wide range of conditions involving damaged muscle and bone in clinical trials conducted by reputable research institutions. Up to 91% of patients show improvement, according to several studies.

Increase Collagen Production: One of the things that helps your body recover after an injury is collagen. Our Stem Wave therapy aims at healing wounded areas. With this therapy, new blood vessels and healthy tissue are generated, and the body’s innate stem cells are activated.

Breaks Down Calcification: Calcified fibroblasts can form at the site of tendon injury. Decreased mobility and chronic pain result from fibroblasts that have calcified. Through the application of stem wave pulses, calcification is broken down into tiny particles that are absorbed by the body and removed from the injured area. The pain is relieved and normal function is reinstated.

  • Increases blood supply
  • Modulates inflammation
  • Stimulates, activates and recruits resident stem cells
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Repairs, remodels and regenerates tissue
  • Induces antibacterial effect
  • Reduces acute and chronic pain
If you are suffering from any type of injury-related pain, muscle stiffness or immobility, stem wave therapy can be useful for you. Reach out to our professional to learn about the right integrative health service for your requirements and start the session to get a pain-free life.
Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

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