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Water You Waiting for? Go Drink a Glass a Water! It’s More Important than You Think!

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

According to the Harvard Medical School Special Health Report water has many important jobs, such as:
  • carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
  • flushing bacteria from your bladder
  • aiding digestion
  • preventing constipation
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • cushioning joints
    protecting organs and tissues
  • regulating body temperature
  • maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.
Drinking enough water just might be the easiest step one can take toward a healthier lifestyle. This is what the professionals of natural holistic health care in Green Bay recommend. Swapping out a sugary beverage for a glass of water not only will reduce your intake of excess calories but it will also help maintain an appropriate pH balance in the body which will reduce inflammation overall. Inflammation is not always as obvious as a swollen ankle. Inflammation can exist for years in the body without being noticed and contributing consistently towards conditions such as:
  • Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Asthma.
  • Cancer.
  • Heart disease.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS).
  • Type 2 diabetes.
Inflammation has also been shown to decrease the effectiveness of many medications which can disrupt a person’s journey to wellness substantially. No health care professional will advise you to drink less water and more soda, but just how much water should you be drinking. Maybe you grew up hearing about drinking eight 8oz. glasses for a total of 64oz. a day, but this recommendation is not always accurate. For example, if you spend most of the day in the hot sun and have been sweating, 64oz. probably is not enough. There may also be underlying conditions which would make drinking this amount of water hazardous. At the end of the day, consulting a professional of natural holistic health care in Green Bay is the best option because water intake is not one-size-fits-all and the amount recommended will vary from person to person, and day to day. Although one thing is for sure, having access to clean water is a luxury not all in this world have, so cout your blessing and do your body a favor; go drink a glass of water!
Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

Christopher Strock / Sport Injury Treatment Sport Injury Treatment

My physical therapist is excellent! The whole office is very friendly and helpful. Physio is absolutely outstanding. Thank you very much for your great, attentive service

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